Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kaiya's 1st!

Kaiaya's first b-day party
I always make my kids first birthday cakes. I also like to theme all there party,s. Which most parents do I go all out on the themes. Tristin's where building blocks. First time I worked with fondant! I've learned a few things since then. Lilly's was just a big pink double stack. She had a minnie version for her self. Now for Kaiya's first I did Owls. There cute and the are seen as a symbol of wisdom. I would like to impart this to her as she grows. I made the invites even though I didn't get them sent out. Good thing it was only family and a phone call works well. I made a banner with little owls line art style and printed on card stock for my old kids to color for there baby sister! Now to the cakes I did make cupcakes for everybody else. (as seen in the pics.) I found a pic on the web of a owl cup cake and duped it for my needs
(it was chocolate and I used colored butter cream) For Kaiya's cake I had a small upright bear cake mold that my mother got for me at a auction. Love my mom and aunt they find the coolest things a yard sales and auctions! I had to shave the knees off a bit to accommodate for the Owls round shape. For colors used store bought pastel liquid colors. I know paste is better but they didn't have the colors I needed. The cake and cupcakes are made with ONE! I repeat One store bought box of french vanilla cake. The butter cream icing is the Wilton's Recipe. This is a lot of icing (my sister in-laws mom makes cakes on the side and this is her favorite recipe) Soft enough to eat and stiff enough to hold it's shape. Not like Royal Icing. I used Wilton tips for all of this. Oreo's for the eyes M@M's for the pupils and beaks.
Yes! I'm an amateur decorator I find it fun to do my own and saves me a ton of money. They may not look like a professional did them but she's one a they all get ate any way. Enjoy the photos! Have fun making your own!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Vomit Bucket!

Warning! If you have to take a Dramamine while your standing in line to buy tickets to an amusement park. You probably should have a vomit bucket hanging from the back of the bag your taking into the park!
Growing up we all have some memory of a bowl, bucket or trash can that your parents placed beside your bed or couch for you to vomit in. Ahhhh the fond memories. Mine was a trash can that was handy. My husband had the stainless bowl that his mom busted out. When that shiny glint of silver flashed in his eyes the vomit came up. Now it makes me wonder which bowl she used??? Baking will never be the same in that house!

Now that I have kids I to want to leave them with found memories of that bucket. It's the funny things that you do remember of your child hood. Here is the Vomit Bucket in our house! Just a blue hospital plastic bowl (with the fancy measuring lines on the inside.) In orange sharpie labeled "VOMIT BUCKET" This way none of my baking bowls get the bad rap for the bucket. And for that matter no future spouses will wonder which bowl we used and now still use for mixing in! I think I should name it. Something cheery like Barf on SpaceBalls! Oh I love that movie.
Now set forth and make your own fond VOMIT BUCKET!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day of the Year! With Tornados!

Last Day of the year and Here in Missouri WE get Tornado's! Yep That's right 7:30 am and the sirens go off! Now that's a way to ring in the new year! But we came out untouched heavy rain, strong winds and some hail. All before my morning coffee. Yuk!
Laundry room gets crowded in this weather! Well got the tree down and ready to party for the evening. Best Friend of 25 plus years is home for the holidays is coming over to ring in the new year with us! YA! Then she heads back to Connecticut to the 2 feet of snow on Sunday! Although she tells me most of will be melted when she gets home! Lucky! Well I hope The New Year is good for you! Gods know I need a fresh New Year! Good Luck and Good Journeys!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Need to Find the Time!

Ok so I started this thing in July and have only written one time. Not a very good blogger. With trying to keep the house clean and raise kids. It seems that I never have time for myself. My goals for the year try to take more time for myself. Get to doing the things in life that I always wanted to do. Like learn to play the cello. I do the the small time to sew some clothes for my girls. Oh and the room got painted but still not worthy of a photo shoot yet! Blessed Be and have a good holidays!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life and It's Random Moments!

So I decided to start a Blog. Why not everybody seems to have one. It just all started as a joke with my husband one night cooking dinner. On my soap box (again) the random thought came out "I should just start a blog!" Nick says you should. Here it is. So the first project on the list Finish the Bedroom! Pictures to come!