Friday, December 31, 2010

Last Day of the Year! With Tornados!

Last Day of the year and Here in Missouri WE get Tornado's! Yep That's right 7:30 am and the sirens go off! Now that's a way to ring in the new year! But we came out untouched heavy rain, strong winds and some hail. All before my morning coffee. Yuk!
Laundry room gets crowded in this weather! Well got the tree down and ready to party for the evening. Best Friend of 25 plus years is home for the holidays is coming over to ring in the new year with us! YA! Then she heads back to Connecticut to the 2 feet of snow on Sunday! Although she tells me most of will be melted when she gets home! Lucky! Well I hope The New Year is good for you! Gods know I need a fresh New Year! Good Luck and Good Journeys!

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