Monday, January 10, 2011

Vomit Bucket!

Warning! If you have to take a Dramamine while your standing in line to buy tickets to an amusement park. You probably should have a vomit bucket hanging from the back of the bag your taking into the park!
Growing up we all have some memory of a bowl, bucket or trash can that your parents placed beside your bed or couch for you to vomit in. Ahhhh the fond memories. Mine was a trash can that was handy. My husband had the stainless bowl that his mom busted out. When that shiny glint of silver flashed in his eyes the vomit came up. Now it makes me wonder which bowl she used??? Baking will never be the same in that house!

Now that I have kids I to want to leave them with found memories of that bucket. It's the funny things that you do remember of your child hood. Here is the Vomit Bucket in our house! Just a blue hospital plastic bowl (with the fancy measuring lines on the inside.) In orange sharpie labeled "VOMIT BUCKET" This way none of my baking bowls get the bad rap for the bucket. And for that matter no future spouses will wonder which bowl we used and now still use for mixing in! I think I should name it. Something cheery like Barf on SpaceBalls! Oh I love that movie.
Now set forth and make your own fond VOMIT BUCKET!

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